Call Centre Training

Our top notch training provides our telephone sales and customer service representatives the skills and knowledge they need. Thromby Air – A Global...

Yes, We Do Give Refunds*...

Occasionally we do provide what could be viewed as a refund… * Your “refund” may be a credit voucher providing a discount on your next Thromby ticket. SLAPs will still apply. Thromby Air – Putting the “Fun” back in...

In Touch With Security...

Thromby Air has been working closely with Airport Security authorities to provide a screening device that is quick and/or fun. Thromby Air – No Need to Cook Your...

Cabin Crew Training

Our world class cabin crew training facility will ensure that you have the skills required of a Thromby flight attendant.* * After our intensive 3 hour training program you will be fully qualified to handle any passenger loading emergency. Thromby Air – Training Without The...

* One Star Alliance

Thromby Air CEO Robert E. Coli introduces the CEOs of the new “* One Star Alliance,” bringing together skills and expertise from all areas of the Low Cost aviation world. Mr Coli said “We have chosen the name ‘One Star’ because the last thing any of us want is to be mistaken for a 5-star operation. Lean and mean, light and tight… these are the goals of One Star airlines.” Thromby Air – Lowest of the...