Just Culture

We don’t discipline employees who exhibit initiative to get to the top. It’s not personal…  it’s “Just Culture.” Thromby Air – Protecting the Status Quo “Just Culture” is a modern concept in keeping open communications between staff and management, such that staff have confidence that they will not suffer disproportionate penalties for informing of unsafe conduct or of making honest mistakes. It is an important building block for safety in an organisation, but without trust it is worthless. An organisation needs a Trust Culture before it can have a Just Culture!Learn more about Just...

Unintended Consequences...

Like some other airlines, we feel that an additional fee to cover things we haven’t thought of yet is a good idea.  Why would you complain about that? Thromby Air – Taking The Unknowns Out of Travel Sadly, Thromby Air did not invent this fee.  Other airlines have tried it…...


At Thromby Air we know that some Social Media commentators can be bought.  Who needs rationality, clear thought and incisive fair minded analysis when recognition and free stuff is at stake?  Thromby Air – Everyone Has Their...