Opening the Borders

Thromby Air is doing it’s part to minimise the Covid differential between States and Countries, to speed up the return of unrestricted travel. You can do your part to help spread the word. Thromby Air – A Covid-Safe...

A Rat a Day…

We may have not fully explained the abbreviation for Rapid Antigen Testing to our pilots. Never mind… they’ll work it out eventually. RAT instructions: 1) Put the furry thing up your...

Living the Dream

Our Thromby aircrew are once again flying, although there are a few cobwebs to clean out. Luckily, covid-safe procedures are being applied… Thromby Air – Hopefully...

Social Distancing for Dummies...

Airlines all around the Covid world are trying to figure out how to restart flying safely, and everybody has a different idea. Social distancing works, but we’d hate our passengers to get used to having lots of room. We think the solution...

Covid Reflections

Thromby Air, like many airlines, has it’s hand out for a Government bailout. Our entire fleet is grounded… what more evidence do you need??? Thromby Air – All about the...