Scent Marketing

CEO Robert E. Coli discusses Thromby’s new strategy to increase ancilliary revenue: “We’ve got to sell stuff on our flights. Our shareholders demand it, but they haven’t tasted our coffee or croissants. As you know, our coffee can strip paint and our croissants taste like they were squeezed out by a dog.” “Luckily, our scientists have determined that smells can be used to induce people to spend. We know this works… Really, if you could smell ME you would give me money.” “Therefore we have obtained the smells of some top quality coffee and food. With these smells we can whip our passengers into a spending frenzy and they won’t even realize they are reaching for their wallets. They will feel compelled to buy and they won’t even know why! Don’t you just love science?” View page 2 to see Thromby’s scent marketing solution… PONG Ain’t Wrong! Thromby’s patented Passenger Olfactory Need Generation (PONG) system gives us an aromatic advantage when it comes to increasing revenue. Thromby Air… helping passengers realise their...

First Officer Vacancies...

Thromby believes in the concept of two pilots for every flight, and does not support recent suggestions of reducing this to one pilot. Excellent opportunities* therefore now exist in our Flight Operations department for suitably qualified** First Officers. * While your primary job is to bite the Captain if he does anything stupid, your own Captaincy upgrade may be at risk if you do. ** Vetinary certificate showing all shots and neutering is...

Thromby Package Holidays...

Thromby Air is pleased to announce our new all inclusive* package holidays. *  packages provided on a twin-share basis. Single occupancy surcharge will...

Weight Reduction Strategies...

Thromby Air charges you for your ticket based on your weight. Here are some handy tips for reducing your ticket cost. Shave before you fly. Everywhere. Do not eat for 48 hours prior to checkin. Vending machines are available after ticket weigh-in (prices as marked). Eliminate all body waste prior to checkin. Common sense, really. Breathe helium prior to weigh-in. * Our lawyers coerced them after they suggested that Thromby increased freedom of choice in aviation in the same way that Typhoid increased freedom of health. Also, we tricked them into thinking that Thromby has flights from Australia to Oshkosh in the USA which, of course, is not true. Some people will never learn. Visit Steve Visscher and Grant McHerron at their podcast website to learn about aviation in the Australia/Pacific region, and to make sure that they don’t say anything nasty again about Thromby...

Thromby Stands Alone

CEO Robert E. Coli hammed it up in front of the cameras and laid down a challenge to Thromby’s competition… To his rivals Mr E.Coli says: “Can you do this without using your...